The window will show 9–10 rows of numbers that reveal where your internet request traveled and how long it took to get there.

For example, type in: traceroute and hit Enter.

Does it provide any benefit? Read my ProtonVPN review and find out. A VPN service like Proton VPN is meant to address this weakness by routing your device’s internet traffic. In short, the internet works on blind trust, a significant weakness. Devices connect to them and send requests for web pages, and ISPs share these requests and volunteer to fulfill them using BGP (Border Gateway Protocol). Internet, how does it work? No, seriously, how? There are a bunch of powerful internet nodes called ISPs (Internet Service Providers). But, of course, the best use case is when you’re explicitly blocked from accessing some content, such as a web page or streaming service. ProtonVPN touts itself as a secure VPN, but how you use it determines if it’s safe or not. ProtonVPN can make your internet browsing safer, more reliable, and neater than your default ISP. It belongs to the “VPN software” category, which connects your device to a network dedicated to routing internet traffic. ProtonVPN is an internet security and privacy tool.